
Boxing Moves for a Better Body

Blow books
Health Journal unwanted inches Enter the old one-two with this style boxing moves from New York Crunch instructor Christie Nacinovich. (They are based on a new class of his Sucker Punch).

To the top of toe tight, select the step on the arms and shoulders, abs and back, and pull in the legs and buttocks, then 2 sets of each exercise 3-4 times a week,

Arms and shoulders: Back Fist
Make bent slightly bent knees, feet fighting stance (left foot forward), elbows; bring right hand near the face. Twist at the waist on the right side, so that the right and left ankles down directional left hand.

Keep the arms straight, rotate your torso to the left, and the left swing arm behind the left side of the body. Do 10 repetitions, keeping the arms straight and long thinking hired as a steel rod it. Switching to the other side and repeat; Make 2 sets.

Arms and shoulders: Pike push-up
Start in a push-up position with your hands in a large diamond (pointing to another).

Bending the waist, lift your hips and coming on the toes (they go a little if necessary), so that the mold body upside down "V". Bend your elbows to the head to reduce handguns.

Push; Do 10 repetitions. For an even greater challenge to 10 repetitions raised his right foot, then lifted the repetition of the left leg.

Abs and Back: knee strike
Stand with your knees slightly bent, feet fighting stance (left foot forward). Raise both hands and went, as if something had caught.

Engage the core muscles and pull your hands down as you bend your right knee and lift it out to them. Back to previous position. The correct fingers on the floor

Do 10 reps, then switch sides and repeat.

Abs and Back: sit and beaten
You lie with your knees bent, feet on the floor, his fists. Engage core and slowly; top, his right hand on the left jab. Roll down.

When 10 repetitions (each side) of each injections, sections (upper punch) and hook (stamping on the sides).

Legs and buttocks: you press Enter
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, fists. Raise your left leg, bending the knee, lift your thighs parallel to the floor; You will find at the left shoulder. Hinge forward, his left leg just stepped back. Return to the starting position.

Legs and buttocks: blow Ascending
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, fists. Twist at the waist, lift your left leg, right leg to show. Blow on the left side in the form of a crescent.

Lower Leg press the fingers of the left, and then resume the kick to the right; 1 is a representative. Do 10 reps, then switch sides and repeat. For even more challenges while playing to the chair.

Arms and core: Pilates Box
Use this step to find out their hands and soul, at the same time.

1 comment :

  1. ඔබ ඔබගේ අනාගතය ගැන තෘප්තිමත් නැද්ද ?
    පෙම්වතිය ඔබව මග අරිනවද ?
    ඔබගේ යුග දිවිය අසාර්ථකද ?
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    සැම කාන්තාවක්ම පහේ වඩාත් සතුටු වන්නේ එවන් ලිඟුවක් හිමි පිරිමියෙකුටයි..
    ක්ෂණික මෝචනය (Premature Ejaculation) ලෙස පවසන ඉක්මණින් ශුක්රානු පිටවීම පිළිබඳව තරුණයන් පමණක් නොව මැදිවියට පත්ව සිටින පුද්ගලයන් පවා නිතර මුහණ දෙනු ලබන ගැටලුවකි..
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    වැඩි විස්තර සදහා 0717-513246 / 077-6015159
